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December 8, 9, 2017


Merci pour vos superbes critiques !


"Thanks for this interesting introduction to DDMRP.
I really enjoyed these two days!
Best regards"


Daniel S




"I love the link of some scenes to the Missing Links book, to have a kind of storytelling throughout the course. This seems to be unique as an educational approach and could be much more leveraged."





"Thank you very much for this interesting and usefull journey of DDS&OP. I had the impression that we didn‘t honore your effort during the review session yesterday evening and I will express my thanks just a few hours later.

I really appreciated to attend these two days and you worked out a very sophisticated, comprehensive and educational picture of the SCM world. Which wasn‘t simple, considering all the experts around. But you did it.

You can be shure that I will profit from the conclusions and recommendations you made. Especially, because you mention that changing the processes allways need to change the people and their skills.

Regarding the famous dice game I reflect a little bit and I considered the dice as a DEMAND. Probably this might help to link the game to the overall topic to fulfill the demand."



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